How to See who Forwarded a Meeting in Outlook: A Step-by-Step Guide

Business is always changing. Meetings have become a regular part of our days. Whether it’s a team check-in, a project chat, or a client presentation, meetings bring people together to make decisions. Would you happen to know how to see who forwarded a meeting in Outlook? This article will show you how.

To find out who forwarded a meeting invite in Outlook, navigate through these steps:

  1. Double-click the meeting invite.
  2. Then, press the “Tracking” button at the top.

You’ll be able to see a list of all the attendees. Look under the “Forwarded By” column to see who sent the invitation.

Click “View Details” to see more info about each individual’s response status and forwarding actions.


It wasn’t always this easy. In the early days of Outlook, this feature didn’t exist. Microsoft heard the need for more transparency in communication and added it in later updates.

Understanding Meeting Forwarding in Outlook

If you would like to forward a meeting or event invitation to your colleagues to let them know about your schedule or ask them to join, you can follow the below steps to forward a meeting invitation. 

  1. Step One: Open Outlook and go to the Calendar section.
  2. Step Two: Select the meeting you want to forward, then click the “Forward” button.
  3. Step Three: Enter the email addresses of the recipients, include a message if necessary, and click “Send.”

Through this simple process, everyone can stay up-to-date on the meeting details. Meeting forwarding isn’t the only useful feature Outlook offers. It also has tracking responses, setting reminders, and managing multiple calendars. This makes scheduling tasks easier and boosts productivity.

Steps to Identify Who Forwarded a Meeting in Outlook

Uncovering the sender behind a forwarded meeting in Outlook can be essential for managing your schedule. Just follow these steps to figure it out:

  1. Open Outlook and go to ‘Sent Items’ – this folder stores all your sent emails.
  2. Look for an email with the meeting subject line and open it.
  3. Click on the ‘Message’ tab at the top, then pick ‘Actions’ from the dropdown menu.
  4. In ‘Actions’, choose ‘Resend This Message’. A window pops up with a list of recipients.
  5. Check the list – the forwarder of the meeting will be shown.

Plus, Outlook keeps a record of all conversations. You can use that to trace discussions and any modifications.

It’s so much easier now to identify meeting forwarders compared to before. Technology and Outlook’s user-friendly interface have made the process simpler. Now, you have to navigate to your sent items folder and follow easy steps to get the necessary information.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

Need to know who forwarded a meeting in Outlook? Challenges may arise, but there are solutions. Here is a table of potential problems and their solutions:

Lack of tracking optionsEnable message tracking in Outlook settings.
Limited visibilityRequest read receipts for meeting invites.
Unclear email pathsUse the “Show Original” option view headers.
Shared mailbox limitationsGrant permissions to shared mailboxes.

Also, make sure to check organization policies for forwarding and privacy. Outlook offers various versions like Windows, Mac, and web. 


Outlook provides an awesome feature that lets users view the forwarding details of a meeting. To find out, open the appointment or event and click “Tracking” in the ribbon. Select “View Tracking Status” and check the “Forwarded” column to identify who has sent it.

This is important to spot any unauthorized changes or updates to a meeting invitation.

These steps and monitoring who forwards meetings help Outlook users stay efficient and accurate while creating a culture of accountability.

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